Article: How to DIY the perfect manicure with nail wraps

How to DIY the perfect manicure with nail wraps
We all love a perfect manicure. But are nail wraps really the answer?
But sometimes you just don't have the time to apply messy nail polish and sit waiting for it to dry. You're busy - and finding time for 'you' in your busy schedule is tricky.
So, if you're looking for a quick and easy way to get a manicure that looks great and lasts for up to two weeks, then wraps are the perfect solution for you.
I've been using nail polish wraps myself for over two years now, and I absolutely love them! Instead of spending ages waiting for my nails to dry, I have them looking perfect and ready to go in minutes. In my opinion they are by far the quickest and easiest way to get a manicure that looks great - without all of the hassle.
If you're looking for a way to save time and money on your manicures, then I highly recommend giving them a try. You won't be disappointed!
So, what are nail wraps made of?
Hello Nails nail wraps are made of 100% '10 free' nail polish. '10 free' means they are non-toxic, and don't contain the 10 most toxic chemicals which are used in the creation of beauty products. They're made from cruelty free ingredients, and are safe to use on both natural and artificial nails.
How do I apply them?
Applying wraps is easy when you know how, and like everything, practice makes perfect! We have a guide on how to apply them here, but basically you clean and prepare your nails, choose a wrap, then peel, stick and file. It really is as easy as that.
How do I remove them?
Removing wraps is just as easy as applying them! As they're made with nail polish, all you have to do is use nail polish remover, and rub gently. The wraps will dissolve.
Nail art, without needing to be an artist!

Nail art is a great way to express your personality, and wraps are the perfect way to do this without spending hours painting your nails. If you're looking for an easy and affordable way to get creative with your manicures, then Hello Nails wraps are definitely worth trying!
One thing I love the most about wraps are patterned nail wraps. I wouldn't be able to make nail art like this myself - but with wraps I can get a perfect look in minutes.
It's no wonder that patterns like Cherry Blossom are some of the most popular wraps we have at Hello Nails - we struggle to keep this one in stock!
Other benefits of nail wraps
In addition to the time and money saving benefits, nail wraps also have a few other key advantages. For example, they can help strengthen your nails as you wear them - which is why they are often recommended for people who have weak or brittle nails. They're also great for hiding chips and imperfections in your nails, as well as disguising any unevenness.
So there you have it! If you're looking for an easy and affordable way to get a manicure that looks professional, Hello Nails wraps are the solution. Unlike traditional nail polish, there is no drying time required, and no mess made. Plus, they come in a variety of colours, styles and patterns to suit your every need!
So, what are you waiting for? Get your nails wrapped in style today with Hello Nails!
Happy wrapping!